Sunday, September 7, 2008

Plan Now To Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever!

I am making plans for a kick-ass 2009. Both professionally and personally. It begins with a detailed, written plan. It happens with daily commitment, self discipline, and action.

One of my favorite books on goal setting is John Maxwells "Your Road Map for Success." In it, he quotes the famous German Poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who said:

"Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put ones thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world."

I think we are all guilty, to some degree, of being great on the thought part, but fizzling out on the action part. Maxwell sites a survey done by Gregg Harris which shows a pretty dramatic drop-off of those who create goals in comparison to those who actually reach them. In Harris' survey, 67 out of 100 people set goals. Two-thirds. Not bad. However, out of those 67, only 10 had made written plans to reach them. AND, of those 10, only 2 followed through to make them happen. That means that of those with written goals, only 3% actually follow through.

The good news is that even if you have been among the 66% who have goals but are a bit behind in the achievement category (like I am), today is a NEW day, full of hope, sunshine, and God's promise for a brighter future. You CAN achieve virtually anything you truly set your mind to. I have an unwavering faith in that concept.

Our SMART Goal system is solid. Use it, commit to it, work it, achieve it, and help others achieve their goals. Make it a GREAT week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Spot on! I really like the quote you use, too.

The best we can do is to specify our goals. Whether we know "how" to accomplish the goal is secondary. If we really are "zeroed in" on our goals, the means and methods for accomplishing the goals will be presented to us.