Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Why Hold FREE Homebuyers Seminars?

Why go to the time, trouble, and expense of holding FREE Seminars for people who have not yet committed to hire Mary and I as their real estate agents? That is a question I often get from both friends and business associates. My answer is easy. The process of purchasing or selling real estate is quite lengthy, often emotional, and increasingly complicated. It is very often the biggest financial obligation people make. We like to put ourselves in the shoes of first-time home buyers who can become overwhelmed with the available options, and who often don't know what they don't know. I don't know about you, but when I make a major purchase, I like to be armed with as much objective, current and accurate information as possible.

Have you ever had the experience of going to the doctor, the doctor examines you, and then calls in another doctor. They proceed to talk about you using jargon you don't understand, and then don't explain to you what they are talking about?

We feel that often happens in real estate. Quite often, the first exposure someone has to a real estate agent takes place in a sales situation. A person calls, visits an open house, makes an internet inquiry, or requests a market analysis. More often than not, the agent shifts into sales mode, and can often develop what we call "Commission Breath." We feel that the adage holds true that people want to buy, but they do not want to be sold. Thus, the creation of the Buyers Seminar. Our objective is to provide current, accurate, and detailed information about the home buying process without developing "Commission Breath." We want to provide real estate information to folks in a non-sales setting, so no one need feel uncomfortable. We work hard to hold ourselves up as Educating Real Estate Professionals. Certainly, we would love to work with the folks who come to our seminars as their agents, but if they are only in the information gathering stage, are not ready to take the next step, or simply choose not to work with us, that is OK. We are pleased when we get positive feedback from our seminars, and are told by our attendees that they learned a lot that they did not know before.

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